Publicado Kamailio 3.3.0
Acaba de salir la versión de OpenSER Kamailio v.3.3.0. una de las versiones más esperadas por la cantidad de novedades con las que viene:
- Seven new modules: app_mono, db_cassandra, db_cluster, msrp, presence_profile, tmrec, xhttp_rpc
- Enhancements and new features in over 50 existing modules
- New internal libraries and functionalities in the core
- Generic database clustering module – ability to perform database operations across different servers and types of database, using policies such as round robin, serial try or parallel write
- Cassandra database connector
- Fine control of worker processes per network socket
- Easy mode to advertise public address per socket, making installations in the cloud and virtual systems straightforward (e.g., on Amazon EC2)
- Handle Redis array replies and auto-reconnect to servers
- New dedicated mili-second timers used for various tasks to avoid interfering with SIP retransmissions
- Support for handling GRUU and SIP Outbound
- Config function for sending data over distributed message queue (dmq module)
- All IPv6 network interfaces are auto-detected and Kamailio start listening on them (if no strict listening rules are set)
- All standard modules have been reviewed and made IPv6 compliant where it was the case
SIP SIMPLE Presence Services
- New module to provide MSRP relay function
- New module for managing UA configuration via SIMPLE extensions
- RFC 4827 (presence hard-state) support
- Dedicated pool of notifier processes to cope better with large number of subscriptions
- Added support for DB only mode to several memory structures, very useful for scaling Presence and Resource List Services across multiple servers
- Option to store records in different database servers
- Performance improvements to embedded XCAP server, presence server, presence user agent and resource lists modules
Call Stateful Proxy
- Ability to send OPTIONS keepalive requests to detect if the ongoing calls are still active
- New event routes to handle specific call state events such as START, END or FAILED
- Handling of non-confirmed dialogs (missing ACKs)
- Storage of dialog profiles in database
- Embedded interpreter for managed code, such as C#, VisualBasic, IronPython, a.s.o.
- Many internal functions exported as native API to Lua
- Extended DB API to allow better performances at database layer
- New module for time based routing using iCal or Perl-like time recurrence matching rules
- Embedded JSON library for serialization of data structures
- Support for handling URN
- Fast matching operation in configuration file and dialplan module
- Internal unique ID generator across a farm of SIP servers
- Ability to run RPC control commands via HTTP using the embedded HTTP server
- Option to enable memory chunks merging, to avoid fragmentation
- HEPv2 support for siptrace and sipcature extensions
- Execute route blocks on micro-second timer base
- New transformations for string and line-based processing
- All RPC control commands can be executed via MI
- More options for local memory caching behaviour (htable module)
- Option to add extra headers to locally stored text messages
- Ability to set upper limit for TLS connections
- Print detailed information about active TLS connections
- Option to disable TLS connection renegotiation to avoid malicious attacks
- Simplified user authentication interface for configuration file
- SIP message format sanity checks for replies
- Allow trusted function can deal with HTTP requests
Para más detalles sobre las actualizaciones:
*Actualización* 19/06/2012:
Tal y como vemos, Jon Bonilla acaba de crear los paquetes Debian de esta nueva versión y que se puede descargar e instalar siguiendo estas instrucciones: