Estos módulos que dotan a Asterisk de aplicaciones para enviar y recibir faxes en T.30 y T.38, además de un cliente para poder enviar y recibir faxes (con licencia gratuita y comercial) y un emulador de impresora para poder enviar faxes desde cualquier aplicación de nuestro sistema operativo (compatible con Linux, MacOS y Windows).
El paquete Attaxfax lo podeis descargar de aquí:
El anuncio oficial es este:
On friday we finally released Attrafax under a GPL2 license. It comes with its own set of modems and built in transparent gatewaying. The solution should be quite stable as long as the line quality is ok. (Some tools for measuring the line quality are included in the release, as well as some fax2mail scripts).
There is an example implementation included for Asterisk 1.4, if someone wants to porting it to the new fax backend or more recent asterisk versions and needs some help, let us know.
The full press release can be found here:
The project homepage can be found at,